Sunday, November 23, 2008

U Can't Touch This ..

Helluva week all I can say ..

But questions did arised .. Why did the police harrass a peace & quiet rally .. but see nothing wrong with the all but bullshit racist rally which does nothing but distrupted a peaceful evening ?

Double standard ? Or balls grabbed by an invisible hands ? Hmmm ...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Shaking All Over ..

As the economists said, the 10 years cycle was up. So the whole world were on recession again.

Some won't admit it but for those unlucky 3rd world country, they were getting deeper and deeper in trouble. Even Iceland was crushed by the economic meltdown. Wise men said, it was all due to the US brand of economy that was shoved to the whole of their trading nations. Us included. But luckily, we were not that seriously hit .. not yet. Unless some corrective action taken, we'll be in the slump for at least 3 years. Imagine the credit crunch that's already being felt by the ordinary middle class people.

So the US will get a new President, Barrack Obama. Malaysia will get a new PM (go figure) .. but the question is : What About Us ?