Thursday, June 25, 2009

RM1 Million Is Peanuts ? ..

At times like now where people struggles for survival in our daily life, there are still some still oblivious of the situation ..

This particular report in the local daily caught my attention :

".. She said since Todt, who was appointed last month, was serving and promoting the country on a voluntary basis, it was only fair that the government covered his expenses.

“Just because he is volunteering his services, you cannot expect him to pay out of his own pocket.

“This budget is not for his personal use, it is for the expenses incurred when he meets top people from television and the media.

Besides, RM1 million in Europe gets you nothing nowadays,” she said at the Parliament lobby..."

The ’she’ refered to here is a minister in charge of Tourism.

What an attitude. And the people she was trying to give our precious RM to are not those who were living in squatters, kampong houses even to the homeless (I consider those who rents are homeless .. don't get me wrong). They are jetsetters, celebraties, own an island .. Come on, in these hard times of economics & epidemic uncertainties .. we don't need to welcome the tourists excessively to the extend of bringing harm to ourselves and riches to those who already rich ! Try to be in the shoes of the common people. Try to look at your own face when you see your account balance of 1 digit in the bank .. every month. At the same time try to jostle yourself to get into the bus/LRT/komuter day in day out.

Then tell us, the common people .. do we deserve all that ? Or you just don't give a shit ?(no apologies neccessary)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Whole Lotta English For Math & Science ..

This issue to me .. was really close to the heart ..

Why ? Because my son was smack in the middle of it. So as for those whose child started primary six years ago. At that time, nobody really knew how it will turn out. I started to have doubt about it as soon as the teachers was struggling with the extensive courses to make them proficient enough to teach in English. The most struggling was Malay teachers who was caught off guard with the decision. But off they went .. with classes abandoned with other teachers struggling to reschedule their activities. It went on for quite some time ..

So, the teachers were back. But .. they still struggles with new vocabularies even to the extent that some of them never even heard of it before. So .. what did the children get ? Extra classes .. tuitions .. one-on-one teachers (some of them did make money out of it .. but that's another story). These children really on a lot of pressure (mostly suburbans) especially from the parents which was also on a lot of pressure (try to do math/science from their workbook then you'll know). The teachers was on the brink of frustration .. they were unprepared with these new kind of teaching approach, so .. they'll make do with what they know ..

So that's the cycle for our children & teachers as the guinea pigs for someone's half baked vision. But someone did laughed their way (all the way) to the bank at the expense of our future.

Daylight robbery .. is all I can say ..

English IS language ..

Language IS literature ..

Just keep it THAT way ..

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Of Trojan Horse & Art Of War ..

The ante is UP ..

With their back against the wall, the powermonger is starting to use the oldest trick in the book .. state of confusion & trojan horses. With the unity talk was bloated up in the mainstream medias, they seems to have the upper hand. Those who were trapped with sweet talks & promises in the name of unity (I really want to believe those dumbos were duped .. alive) are lost for words & cracking their heads for excuses.

Well, fret not buddies .. damage has been done .. but not severe enuff to dampen the oncoming tsunami. Let this be a lesson for you guys not to underestimate a dying dinosaur .. they still have a lot of tricks left ..