Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Is It ? .. or Is It NOT ?? ..

Part 2 of this cartoon story is getting HILARIOUS !!

And the judge had to stepped in to prevent a bad script getting worse .. with the international media laughing at us all. Why can't they just scrap it and let us get on with our lives ..

We all had enuff of the circus in our childhood days .. don't let our children puke at our government's embicile-like actions (if you can call it action ...)

'nuff said ..

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Circus Is Back In Town ..

Media frenzy is the flavour of the month ..

With the local and international medias are stepping at each other just to get the best seat in the house, you just can't resist the temptation to know what's going on. Some of the juicy details slipped out from the courthouse to whet our appetite, just enough to make us forget about a more pressing issue that are plaguing our beloved motherland. Sidestepping the important ones, and give us this freak shows so that the naives and the blurred type of people just don't have the time to breath normally ..

Seen this scenario before ? ...